Friday, November 14, 2008

Optimistic Quote for the Day

“Reason is at its best related to generosity, to being able to acknowledge the truth or justice of another’s claim even when it cuts against the grain of one’s own interests and desires. To be reasonable in this sense involves not some desiccated calculation but courage, realism, justice, humility, and largess of spirit; there is certainly nothing clinically disinterested in this.”

Terry Eagleton, Illusions of Postmodernism, Blackwell, 1996, 123.


ajc said...

Stephen Colbert "Reality has a liberal bias"
Am I the first to comment?
And what happened to Tulsa football?

Jen Horner said...

You are the first to comment! I relayed your advice to our fearless leader so feel free to fire away and we'll try to post more things for you to comment on.